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After you have engaged in the Discover Oak City, we have some practical opportunities for you to continue your journey of discovering your purpose to impact change. There is nothing more rewarding than using your time and skills to further the work of Jesus in the world. Check out the options below to find the best fit for you based on your spiritual gifts and personality assessment to help guide your decision.

Complete the Oak City Volunteer Inquiry Card below to be connected with a team member.

A-Team (Administration) Our team uses our gift of administration to support Oak City teams by using computer skills, data entry, and attention to details. Requirements: Age: 18+, Background check

Baptism Team

Our team prepares for and hosts the Oak City’ baptism experience.

Campus Host Team

Our team brings a personal touch to our worship experiences by hosting in the lobby, at coffee stations and in the auditorium.

Portable Campus Support/Facilities Team

Our team works behind the scenes to maintain and support every area of our church, including baptism, conferences, and special events.

Oak City VOL Check-In Team

Our team serves all Oak City VOL members by assisting with check-in in Oak City VOL Central. Requirements: Age: 18+, Background check

Oak City VOL Host Team

Our team hosts our Oak City VOL members in Oak City VOL Central by providing food and encouragement during services and special events.

Events Team

Our team serves at conferences and church-wide events by setting up decorations and facilitating meals and snacks.

First Responders

Our team of health care professionals serves by providing basic medical care in the event of an accident or emergency. Requirements: Medical certification, Background check

Guest Service Greeters

Our team welcomes people to Oak City at the front doors and provide a welcoming environment greeting, smiling, directing and sharing any resource for the gathering experience (Gathering Guide)

Oak City Kids

Our team invests in the lives of children through worship, Biblical teaching, videos, Connect Groups, and games. Oak City Kids (Special Needs) Our team serves children with special needs, providing specific and intentional care. Requirements: Age: 14+, Background check Requirements: Background check/Discover Oak City/Special Training

Oak City Students

Our team helps students get connected to our Oak City Students ministry through Student Gathering Nights, Connect Groups, retreats, conferences, and serving at the Oak City Students table on Sundays. Requirements: Background check

Oak City Worship

Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through vocals, instruments, and audio engineering, portable set up and tear down Requirements: OCC Worship training process, Background check

Guest Services Information Team

Our team helps people identify their next steps by providing resources and information about weekend gatherings, Connect Groups, Discover Oak City, and events.

Kids Check-In

Our team facilitates the check-in process in Oak City Kids to ensure children are cared for effectively and efficiently. Requirements: Age: 18+, Background check

Guest Services Parking Team

Our team serves as the first impression for those coming to Oak City by welcoming people on and off the property and by providing a safe and efficient parking experience. Requirements: Age: 15+

Prayer Team

Our team provides prayer covering for services, teams and ministries at Oak City.

Preschool and Nursery

Our team ministers to children through Bible stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities and personal interactions. Requirements: Background check


Our team assists in the production of the overall worship experience, using lights, cameras, and other visual elements.

Resource Team

Our team enhances the worship experience by preparing worship guides, communion elements, and providing other products or materials.

Setup | Takedown Team

Our team facilitates the Oak City experience at our portable campuses by setting up before service and taking down after service.

Connect Group Leaders

We are trained to facilitate Connect Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps.

Guest Services Host (Ushers)

Our team of men assists people to their seats, facilitates the offering, and helps maintain a distraction-free service environment.